Thursday, March 31, 2005

Chipotle Websites

Who ever knew Chipotle had such a huge fanbase? For those who are shaking their heads in confusion right now, Chipotle is a fast food chain that serves burritos, tacos, and something called a "burrito bol". While Chipotle's menu is limited, and the majority stockholder is McDonald's corporation, Chipotle does manage to serve burritos that resemble those from California more than the ubiquitous "Fresca Tortillas"/"Happy Taco Grill" venues in NYC, and its Mexican-inspired fare was recently featured in an article in the Sunday New York Times magazine. Chipotle's ingredients taste fresh, credit cards are accepted, employees are happy to give you a sample, and Bell and Evans chicken and Neiman Ranch pork are on the menu.

Given these factors and others, there seem to be an array of websites with strong opinions about Chipotle. gives nutrition information (that convinced this writer to cut her burritos in half), forums for discussion (including a posting about the plausability of the "Chipotle diet"), recipes and advocates for a smaller burrito. This website also has an entertaining and somewhat silly feature, called a "burrito soulmate" search. There are websites that contain Chipotle fanlistings, and a site called that contains articles, polls, and loads of other " 'potle"-related information/opinions.
On the other hand, Chipotle often inspires long, negative posting wars on the website and the New York blog recently published an entry bemoaning the sudden appearance of Chipotle on every corner.

While perhaps the buzz (and controversy) about Chipotle will die down in the future, at present there seems to be a great deal of interest--in traditional publications and cyberspace--in this tacqueria-style chain.


Anonymous said...

Yo yo yo, check it:

Chipotle is lame. All the Midwest kids at camp were like "I love Chipotle. It's wicked." Then when I tried it, I thought we were at Subway getting one of those low-carb wraps. Go hit up the local taco stand and get some authentic fish tacos (I hear they'll be the new craze). Or go to Gordo, where your quesadilla will be crispy and mad awesome. Peace.


Christine Thien-An Nguyen said...

Dear "Z",

In New York City, there is a dearth of
San Francisco Bay Area-style Mexican food. So Chipotle is as good as it gets, right now.

