Thursday, March 31, 2005


Bacon isn't quite the villian it's been made out to be. While I don't recommend having two slabs of bacon with your eggs and toast on a daily basis, I've found that bacon is a vital component of several dishes. Take Cobb Salad, for one--bacon adds a neccesary savory flavor and crunch. And who ever heard of pasta carbonara without the smoky, charred taste of bacon?

When using bacon, there are certain rules one should follow:
1) Use small amounts to add depth to your dishes. People will wonder what's different about your bolognese sauce, fried rice, or chili.
2) Add it to tomatoes. Pungent, crisp bacon loves the acidity, sweetness and juice of tomatoes--some ideas are pizza topped with thin slivers of bacon, roasted tomatoes served with bacon slices, the classic BLT, and macaroni pasta fried with chopped tomatoes, onion, and bacon.
3) Use it to flavor seafood. My mother used to wrap trout in bacon, and shrimp and scallops beg to be wrapped in it and grilled.
4) Marry bacon to something sweet. Bacon-wrapped roasted figs or dates are a delicious starter to a meal.
5) Try it crumbled on top of: mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, risotto, romaine salad, and soups (such as mushroom or clam chowder).
And finally, other considerations....
6) Don't eat everyday. Aside from the obvious health implications, the delicious smokiness and salty flavor will lose its novelty.
7) Give your cat (or dog) a piece. She or he will love you for it.

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