Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ode to Yogurt

When I was a kid, my feelings towards yogurt ranged from lukewarm to downright revulsion. Somehow, the sweetness of yogurt and the texture never really did it for my palate. When you have a mother who was constantly making something delicious and warm for breakfast, who needed yogurt? Fast-forward to my learning about Greek yogurt and my resolution in the last few years to eat something balanced for breakfast, even if it's really small. Suddenly yogurt is my new best friend.

I really love the Greek O% brands, since they are non-fat, low in sugar, and high in protein. They are also very creamy tasting and thick. While they are a little sour, the flavor is easily overcome by a few berries, some almonds or cereal. I would go as far as to say that they are my gold standard for yogurt and make the perfect breakfast for someone who wants something fast but healthy. However, I will often consider other non-fat brands that are sugar free. While they have much less protein, they are attractive in terms of convenience and economy (because not everyone can afford a $4 tub of yogurt.)

1 comment:

Hieu said...

you went too far in making it the gold standard.