Monday, May 30, 2005

The Ideal Barbecue Food

Today being Memorial Day, I am writing on The Ideal Barbecue Food as suggested by a reader. While I don't have outdoor space for a grill presently (though I'm thinking about getting a small grill for the roof of my apartment building), and hence had rotisserie chicken for dinner instead, I can still reminisce about the best food to marinate and slap on a hot grill. To keep you, the current reader, in suspense for a few more seconds, my hint about this item is that my vegetarian friends can enjoy it without reservation.
The Ideal Barbecue Food is...the grilled mushroom. This can be a white or crimini mushroom tossed on the grill as an afterthought, a marinated portabella mushroom, or, if you want to get fancy, shitakke or other exotic mushrooms from the market. The earthy, smoky taste of the grilled mushroom, along with its lack of cholesterol, and the element of surprise and sophistication it can add to summer dishes, is why I have chosed to elect this charred fungus to the prestigeous title of Ideal Barbecue Food. Served alone, on a sandwich, or with rice, grilled meat, and a squirt of Sriracha hot sauce, the grilled mushroom is incomparable.

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